суббота, 10 ноября 2012 г.

Rules to Improve Your Pronunciation

These rules are coming from Dave Sconda (Californina, the USA), a friend, a colleague, a wholehearted and  devoted teacher online, who runs free English Meetings through Skype starting from 21:30 (MSK) each Saturday.  Join us!!!

The topic discussed last time:

1. Observe mouth movements of native english speakers -
a. TV or real life, imitate rhythm, intonation -  break from the music of your language and adapt the music of  north american english
2. Watch TV, movies, CNN, Charlie Rose
3. Slow your speaking speed
4. Use a good dictionary with IPA phonetic symbols: make flash cards for pronunciation, word
meaning, and phrases/sentences
5. List words that you use often and pronounce incorrectly. Ask native speakers to pronounce for you and consistantly work on these by recording your voice
6. Use audio books - compare your pronunciation with the reader
7. Practice word endings
8. Read aloud for 15 minutes each day to strengthen mouth muscles
9. Read books: this improves your vocabulary & grammar
10. Don’t give up, don’t let embarrassment slow you down. Make a mistake and move forward.

The topic of Role Play:

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