пятница, 5 октября 2012 г.

I feel really happy to get a new job in the OOO "DisT-Tutor". The company had attracted my attention before I had a thought of applying to teach online. Thanks to my dearest friend Natalia Kalinenko, who generously offered me to apply to this fantastic company with professional team of headquaters and teachers, I do the teaching distant students from around Russia and Kazakhstan for now with great pleasure.

If you are interested in teaching English or learning it there join me. Looking forward to see you soon.

2 комментария:

  1. Хотелось бы написать Вам на иностранном)))Но не владею в совершенстве!
    Удачи вашему блогу)

  2. Спасибо, Катя, большое, что зашли в гости и оставили свой приятный отзыв/комментарий. Рада знакомству с вами.
